And in just 15 minutes (the time it takes to queue up and cross the bridge on a good morning) you can write a letter. Write polite emails in your own words, giving your own reasons why you think the toll should be scrapped, to:
- Councillor David Robertson, the Executive Member for Transport at OCC
- Steve Howell, OCC's Head of Transport
- David Cameron MP for Witney
- Dr Evan Harris MP for Oxford West and Abingdon (be sure to state your postal address)

Letter to Councillor David Robertson
Letter to Steve Howell
Letter to David Cameron MP
Letter to Dr Evan Harris MP
David Cameron, and Dr Evan Harris, Liberal Democrat (Oxford West and Abingdon) are the MPs whose constituencies lie on each side of the bridge.
Posters and leaflets
Use these posters and leaflets (pdfs) to tell other people about this campaign:
A4 poster - put it in your window or on a noticeboard at work, if you work for a local business
Long thin banner - for the back window of your car
A4 information flyer - read more about this campaign then pass it on to someone else
A6 information flyer - (prints 4 on a sheet of A4) to give out to other people
Write to others
If you want to write to (or cc your letters to) other elected representatives find out who they are here. These people are in office to serve us, remember. Write to parish councillors, district councillors, county councillors, Lords, whoever you can think of who may have influence. Be polite and persuasive.
What else you can do
You can also email me and volunteer a bit of practical help and support for the time when we’ll need to start leafleting cars.
Web banner

Just copy the code in 'properties'.